Pocket parkrun #29: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 29 December 2018

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas. There were 166 runners, joggers and walkers this weekend, of whom: 32 were first timers, 3 ran their first ever parkrun and 28 recorded new PBs

First finisher this weekend was Matt Polson, a first timer in Poocket park, who finished in a time of 18:54. Female first finisher wasIeva Klavina, who achieved a time of 22:17 and the runner with the highest age grade this week was Julie McGreal who got 81.58% and a time of 26:25.

Round Results

New Club Members

Many thanks as always go to our amazing volunteers: Becki BARNETT, Steven BARNETT, Caroline CUMMINS, Thomas CUMMINS, Lewis CUMMINS, Christopher FERGUSON, Stephen FERGUSON, Nick GELLATLY, Jack HIGGINS, Jane JARVIS, Joanne KIRKHAM, William KIRKHAM, Anthony MCCLURE, Judy MOORE, Steve MOORE, Lee O’HARA, Stephen RICHES, Barry ROBINSON, Katie RUSH, Maya RUSH, Charlotte SIMPSON, Laura STEED, Sarah TULLY and this week’s run director Kenny LECKIE.

The Weekly Links Roundup

Reminder: There will be a special parkrun here in Pocket park on New Year’s day at 10:30 and we still need a few more volunteers: you can email pockethelpers@parkrun.com or get in touch on facebook if you’d like to help out.

Untill next time,

DFYBC (6 of you did this week)


p.s. if you spot any mistakes (especially names) please let me know on Facebook or DM me Twitter

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