Pocket parkrun #31: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 12 January 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

269 people ran, walked and jogged in slightly miserable conditions on Saturday morning. That’s a new record of participants at a ‘normal’ parkrun (ie. on a Saturday) in Pocket park continuing our growth this year. We had 66 first timers and 26 people took part in parkrun for the first time ever! Of the 203 people who had run Pocket parkrun before, 90 ran a new PB.

Both male and female first finishers this week were fist timers in Pocket park: Ian Hammett ran a 17:47 and Helen Rhodes ran a 23:29.

New Club Members

Round Results

Thanks to all our volunteers this week: Amanda Brown, Becki Barnett, Caroline Holmes, Christopher Skepper, Ellie Barker, Emily Bunting-Cleary, Finley Roberts, Ian Newland, Jaimee Barker, James Holmes, Jane Jarvis, Jen Banfield, Julia Page, Kathy Unwin, Kenny Leckie, Kirstie Buck, Lara Smith, Laura Steed, Louis Phillips, Mark Crane, Max Carrington, Nick Gellatly, Samuel Kirkham, Sarah Maplesden-Jenkins, Sarah Tully, Sharon Williamson, Sonny Roberts, Stefanie McCabe, Steve Moore, Steven Barnett and this week’s run director, Joanne Carrington

Our first Pocket pacer

I’d like to thank Amanda Brown for being a 30 minute pacer this week. While I didn’t quite keep up right all the way to the end, it was really helpful to have a flag bobbing up and down in the distance to try and stay in sight of!

The Weekly Links Roundup

Thanks to everyone who ran, jogged walked, supported or volunteered at Pocket parkrun this weekend. If you’d like to volunteer next weekend (or any week) you can go to www.parkrun.org.uk/pocket/volunteer/ to find out more or email pockethelpers@parkrun.com to see what you can do.

Untill next weekend,

DFYBC (12 of you did this week)


p.s. if you spot any mistakes (especially names) please let me know on Facebook or DM me on Twitter

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