Pocket parkrun #34: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 26 January 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

For the first time in what feels like for ever, it wasn’t bitterly cold as 202 parkrunners came to Pocket park for this week’s parkrun. Among them, 32 first timers (17 of whom were first time parkrunners) and 45 new PBs.

This weekend was the last in January and as such, was the last parkrun people could do as part of RED January. This campain by Mind, the mental health charity, has been a community initiative that encourages you to support your mental health by doing something active every single day. In 2018, the RED community raised over £1 million for the Mind charity. To find out more about RED January, and to donate to Mind, visit www.mind.org.uk/redjanuary

This week’s first finisher was first timer James Crisp in a time of 18:51 and female first finisher was Hayley Read in a time of 20:59. She also had the highest age grade with 75.69%.

Round Results

A massive thak you as allways to our fantastic team of volunteers: Amanda Brown, Becki Barnett, Caroline Holmes, Chris Skepper, Christopher Skepper, Claire Reece, Ellie Barker, Helen Saxton, Ian Newland, Ian Payne, Jaimee Barker, James Holmes, .Joanne Carrington, Joanne Kirkham, Julia Page, Kenny Leckie, Lara Smith, Louis Phillips, Norma Leckie, Phil Whitbread, Samuel Kirkham, Sarah Tully, Sharon Williamson, Stephanie Pagio, Stephen Riches, Steven Barnett, William Kirkham and this week’s Run Director,Steve Moore

 The Weekly Links Roundup

Thanks to everyone who ran, jogged walked, cheered or volunteered at this weekend’s parkrun. If you’d like to join the roster for next weekend (or any week) you can go to www.parkrun.org.uk/pocket/volunteer/ to find out more. You can also go to the future roster to see what positions are available or email pockethelpers@parkrun.com to see what you can do.

Untill next Saturday,

DFYBC (6 of you did this week)


p.s. if you spot any mistakes (especially names) please let me know on Facebook or DM me on Twitter

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