Pocket parkrun #37: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 16 February 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

Today, 237 ran, walked and jogged round Pocket parkrun. We had an unusually large group of first timers this morning - 42 in fact, 22 of whom were running a parkrun for the first time. Among those who had run Pocket pefore, there were 52 PBs today. We also had a number of tourists with us from Kings Lynn, Milton Keynes, St Albans and Cambridge. Perhaps the loudest tourist we’ve ever had, Sharon Threlfall100_club_mini25_club_mini, an RD at Westmill parkrun, celebrated an arbitry 150th parkrun with us this weekend. #BlameStephen This week, our first two finishers forgot thier barcodes! So our first finisher with a barcode was Callum Nicholson50_club_mini who finished in a time of 18:40. Our first female finisher was Hayley Read in a time of 20:25. The person with the highest age grade this weekend was first timer Fiona Downie with 80.09% and a time of 22:01.

New Club Members

Thanks as always to this week’s high-viz heroes: Alison Wright, Antony Moore, Becki Barnett25_club_mini, Charlotte Simpson25_club_mini, Christian Cowell, Christopher Ferguson, Clair Slade, Claire Reece, Diane Hufford, Ellie Barker, Grace Richards, Haydn Evans, Jaimee Barker, James Edward Gamble, Jennie Moore, Joanne Carrington25_club_mini, Joanne Kirkham, Joely Apps25_club_mini, Kenny Leckie25_club_mini, Lara Smith25_club_mini, Louis Phillips, Mark Crane, Mark Emery, Miranda Apps25_club_mini, Sam Griffin, Samuel Kirkham, Sarah Tully, Sharon Threlfall25_club_mini, Steven Barnett25_club_mini, Trevor Hufford, William Kirkham and this weeks Run Director, Stephen Ferguson25_club_mini.

I’d like to thank everyone who has donated money towards the defibulator for the new St Neots junior parkrun. Over £150 has been donated today alone! If you’d like to donate, you can do so by going to the about us page and clicking the donate button.

Thanks also to everyone who ran, jogged walked, cheered or volunteered at this weekend’s parkrun. If you’d like to join list of voluntters for next week (or any week) you can visit www.parkrun.org.uk/pocket/volunteer/ to find out more. You could also go to the future roster to see what positions are available or get in touch by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com to see what you can do.

Untill next week,

#DFYBC (18 of you did this week!)


p.s. if you spot any mistakes (however small but especially names) please let me know on Facebook or DM me on Twitter

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