Pocket parkrun #54: First Birthday Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 15 June 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

This weekend was our one year anniversary of parkrunning here in Pocket park. Before we have a look at this parkrunDay’s results here are some of the stats from our first year:

Over our first 53 events there have been 70 different first finishers and 3,036 different participants completing 10,638 parkruns. People have acheived 2,568 PBs and have run a total of 53,190km in 233 days, 3hrs, 37mins & 26secs. The average number of finishers per event was 200 over the year with the average time being 0:30:12. The highest attendance we had was 519 parkrunners on New Years Day.

On our winter course, the fastest male time was Nathan Harrison’s 15:49 in April with the fastest female time being Bethan Everson’s 19:19 in January. For the summer course, the fastet male time was David Hudson’s 16:17 in September and the fastest female time was Jo Oregan’s 18:39 at our inaugural event back in June 2018.

Back to this weekend, there were 251 parkrunners, 32 PBs, 47 first timers and 11 people parkrunning for the first time. This week’s first finisher must have forgotten their barcode so the first recorded finisher was first timer Tom Keighley with a time of 18:08. The female first finisher was Sarah Burrell in a time of 20:19. The person with the highest age grade was Mike Bull with 77.11% and a time of 23:09.

New Club Members

Many thanks to this week’s volunteers:

Caroline Holmes, Charlie Watkins, Charlotte Simpson, Di Leckie, Elizabeth Cowell, Elizabeth Studd, Finley Roberts, Helen Saxton, Ian Payne, Jackie Fitzpatrick, Jane Jarvis, Jane McMurdie, Jasmine Cooper, Jenine Cooper, Joanne Carrington, Josh Brunning, Kathy Unwin, Lee O’Hara, Mark Burberry, Mica Rosen, Natalie Bartlett, Norma Leckie, Ovid Denega, Phil Whitbread, Ruth Tellis, Sarah Tully, Simon Winter, Sonny Roberts, Stephen Riches, Steve Moore, Steve Prior and this week’s run directors, Alison Ainsworth andKenny Leckie

The Weekly Links Roundup

Thank you to everyone who ran, jogged walked, cheered or volunteered this week. If you’d like to join our list of volunteers for next Saturday (or any Saturday) you can visit www.parkrun.org.uk/pocket/volunteer/ to find out more. You could also go to the future roster to see what positions are available or get in touch by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com to see what you can do.

Untill next week,

#DFYBC (Only 6 this week!)


p.s. if you spot any mistakes (however small but especially names) please let me know on Facebook or DM me on Twitter

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