Pocket parkrun #59: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 20 July 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

253 people joined us this weekend at Pocket parkrun. 22 people took part in their first ever parkrun and 21 others joined us for the first time. There were also 41 new PBs set this weekend. The first finisher this weekend was first timer Rajiv Ratan in 19:04 and the female first finisher was Amelia Fleming with 21:45. Phil Redden achieved the highest age grade with 75.53%.

New Club Members

Thanks to all the volunteers this weekend: Natalie Bartlett, Muzoora Edmund Bishanga, Sandra Braund, Josh Brunning, Mark Burberry, Elizabeth Cowell, Mark Crane, Joel Benjamin Davison, Jen Edson, Stephen Ferguson, Kevin Haddow, Tony Hainsby, Joanne Kirkham, Craig Losh, Heather Pateman, Ian Payne, Ian Sells, Ellie Sherriffs, Charlotte Simpson, Christopher Skepper, Elizabeth Studd, Gareth Thomas, Kathy Unwin, Chris Windebank, Alison Wright.

Over the summer it will be more difficult to get volunteers as our usual crowd (including me) may be off on holiday. So if you’re planning on coming along to cheer someone on: you could volunteer as a marshal! You still get to cheer and you get a warm feeling inside knowing you’ve helped out.

The Weekly Links Roundup

If you would like to volunteer in a coming week, you can let us know on Facebook or by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com. You can check the future roster to see what roles are still needed.

That’s it from me for a few weeks as I’m off on holiday, until my return,

#DFYBC (10 of you did this week)


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