Pocket parkrun #62: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 17 August 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

After last weekend’s high winds causing over 70 cancellations in across the UK, today was a much nicer affair with the sun shining! As a result, 202 people took part in Pocket parkrun this morning with 29 people volunteering. 46 people joined us for the first time and 30 people recorded new personal bests this weekend.

Neil Shorten finished first for the first time here this weekend with a time of 17:51 and also achieved the highest age grade with 77.03%. Hayley Bond was the first female finisher with a time of 21:15.

Thanks to all of this week’s volunteers! Josh BRUNNING, Joanne CARRINGTON, Elizabeth COWELL, Mark CRANE, Matthew DIXON, Jade DUNCAN, Tony HAINSBY, Trevor HUFFORD, Diane HUFFORD, Joanne KIRKHAM, William KIRKHAM, Norma LECKIE, Teresa MCLOUGHLIN, Steve PRIOR, Eric REECE, Claire REECE, Martha REECE, Barry ROBINSON, James RYAN, Helen SAXTON, Elizabeth STUDD, Matthew STUDD, Simone TAYLOR, Mark THOMPSON, Nikki WRIGHT, Sophie Hm WRIGHT, Sophie WRIGHT, Chelsea ZWETSLOOT and the run director, Kenny LECKIE

Over the summer it will be more difficult to get volunteers as our usual crowd may be off on holiday. So if you’re planning on coming along to cheer someone on: you could volunteer as a marshal! You still get to cheer and you get a warm feeling inside knowing you’ve helped out.

The Weekly Links Roundup

If you would like to volunteer in a coming week, you can let us know on Facebook or by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com. You can check the future roster to see what roles are still needed.

As there are no trains next weekend, I’ll be doing a bit of touring so I’ll see you in a fortnight. Untill then,

#DFYBC (Only 7 this week!)


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