Pocket parkrun #64: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 31 August 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

This weekend, 229 people ran, jogged and walked Pocket parkrun. Among them, 34 people joining us for the first time and 14 first time parkrunners. 41 people recorded new PBs this weekend. Chris Butterworth was this week’s first finisher in a time of 17:44 and Scarlet Dalrymple was the female first finisherin 20:41. Richard Holland50_club_mini acheived the highest age grade with 83.36% and a time of 19:14.

New Club Members

Update! : You can see photos from this weekend’s parkrun by Janet Prior by clicking here Thanks to all this weekend’s volunteers: Philip ABEL, Josh BRUNNING50_club_mini25_club_mini, Sam BYERS, Max CARRINGTON10_club_mini, Joanne CARRINGTON100_club_mini25_club_mini, Elizabeth COWELL, Elizabeth DALRYMPLE, Ovid DENEGA50_club_mini, Nick GREEN50_club_mini, Tony HAINSBY, Trevor HUFFORD100_club_mini, Diane HUFFORD100_club_mini, Mike KENDALL100_club_mini, Kenny LECKIE25_club_mini, Norma LECKIE, Jen MENTON, Steve MOORE100_club_mini25_club_mini, Ian PAYNE25_club_mini, Janet PRIOR, Lynne REGAN50_club_mini, Matthew STUDD, Elizabeth STUDD, Ruth TELLIS, Howard TURNER, Will WHITE, Nikki WRIGHT, Alison WRIGHT, Chelsea ZWETSLOOT.

The Weekly Links Roundup

If you would like to volunteer in a coming week, you can let us know on Facebook or by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com. You can check the future roster to see what roles are still needed.

Until next time,

#DFYBC (Only 8 this week!)


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