Pocket parkrun #73: Run Report

Josh Brunning · 09:00 Saturday, 2 November 2019

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

This weekend was our first weekend back on the winter course. While slightly slippy, I think most people made it round before it started raining properly. This week 145 people ran, jogged and walked the course, of whom 13 were first timers and 26 recorded new PBs.

The first finisher was Chris BUTTERWORTH in a time of 18:27, Rhian BAILEY was the female first finisher in 22:51 Chris CAHILL had the highest age grade with 74% and a time of 19:56.

This weekend’s volunteers were: Josh BRUNNING50v25, Max CARRINGTON10, Joanne CARRINGTON100v25, Elizabeth COWELL, Stephen FERGUSON100v25, Nick GREEN50, Tony HAINSBY, Catherine HEMINGWAY100, Pam HEMINGWAY100, Joanne KIRKHAMv25, William KIRKHAM10v25, Kenny LECKIEv25, Craig LOSH50, Steve MOORE100v25, Mike NEWBERY50, Ian PAYNEv25, Candy PICKWORTH, Martha REECE, Claire REECE, Lynne REGAN, James RYAN, Philippa SHOOBERT, Holly SIMPSON, Charlotte SIMPSON, Harriett SIMPSON, Elizabeth STUDD, Ruth TELLIS, Joe TRICKLEBANK-OWENS, Wendy TSANG, Alison WRIGHT The Weekly Links Roundup

If you would like to volunteer in a coming week, you can let us know on Facebook or by emailing pockethelpers@parkrun.com. You can check the future roster to see what roles are still needed.

Until next time,

#DFYBC (Only 2 this week!)


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