Update to the parkrun Cancellations Map

Josh Brunning · 16:51 Friday, 21 May 2021

Just a quick update to share that the parkrun Cancellations map now also shows english events that have received permission to restart on 5th June. These are shown as orange dots. The requests for permission was sent on 27th April and at the time of writing 139 of the 589 parkruns in England have received permission to return - about 24%.

However, parkrun said in February that “north of 90%” need to come back at the same time. As a result, it was announced that:

“It is critical that by Friday 21 May (two weeks before our planned return) we achieve permission for the large majority of our events to return.”

So fingers crossed we’ll reach the 90% line by then and then on 31st May (the Monday before) events in England will turn green for the first time since 14th March 2020.

18th May Update:

As of the last update to the Current Landowner Permissions page yesterday, 181 of the 589 english parkruns have permission to return - just 30%. I have to admit, I am definitely less optimistic than I was a week ago of parkrun returning on 5th June.

21st May Update:

As was widely expected, it was announced this morning (you can read the blog post or press release) that parkrun will not return until the 26th June. 304 of the 589 english parkruns (52%) now have permission to return. The cancellations map was updated this afternoon.

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