Pocket parkrun #76: Run Report

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

This weekend 208 people ran, jogged, walked and slipped around the course, of whom 33 were first timers and 28 recorded new Personal Bests. Well done to all the staff, students and parents from Ernulf and Longsands Academies who joined us this morning.

The Story of Station Updates

In June 2019, I started a project to investigate the Realtime Trains (RTT) api. I used python as that was the language I was most proficient in. It was initially just a small file getting a station’s departures and displaying them.

Pocket parkrun #73: Run Report

🔀 from Pocket parkrun

This weekend was our first weekend back on the winter course. While slightly slippy, I think most people made it round before it started raining properly. This week 145 people ran, jogged and walked the course, of whom 13 were first timers and 26 recorded new PBs.